Martina Perfetti

Ciao, io sono Martina, ma forse mi conoscete meglio come Lumi. Fin da piccina ho sempre avuto colori in giro per casa, sia la mia mamma che il mio papà sono entrambi artisti, e di conseguenza mi è sempre piaciuto sperimentare le più diverse tecniche creative.

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Hello to all! Finally we meet again!

Today I want to show you a really simple and quick project to make, because you know, when the Christmas season is approaching, things to do increase and the time to do them decreases!

In fact, for the tags I made, you just need *Kraft* paper or if you prefer also a pattern paper, the very useful die *Hanging Tag* and the stamp + die set *Amici del Natale* made in collaboration with Tommaso Bottalico, which contains really funny characters, perfect for our project!

First I stamped and colored, for this project I decided to use watercolor markers, my characters that I subsequently die-cut with the die matched with the stamp set. From the Kraft sheet I got my tags, choosing the intermediate size, and I tied a string in the top opening. Finally I stamped my sentiment, always taken from the set *Amici del Natele* and together with the characters I pasted it on the base of the tag.

Nothing could be simpler!

As a last touch, I designed bows of snow with the white gel pen.

Et voila! Our tags are ready! I believe I will prepare others, so as to be ready to make Christmas presents.

As always I hope you enjoyed the project!

Have fun and see you soon!


Martina Perfetti

Ciao, io sono Martina, ma forse mi conoscete meglio come Lumi. Fin da piccina ho sempre avuto colori in giro per casa, sia la mia mamma che il mio papà sono entrambi artisti, e di conseguenza mi è sempre piaciuto sperimentare le più diverse tecniche creative.

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