María Ares Espiñeira
My name is María and on Instagram you can find me as @a_vuelapluma.
I am a chemist by career but since I was very young I have always loved crafts. About 5 years ago I discovered scrap, and I fell in love forever. Not only does it allow me to develop all those techniques that I like so much, but it also brings together another of my great passions: photography and the desire to somehow retain the memories of our lives.
As for my style, I think if I had to use a single word, I would borrow it from my mother and say "clean." My mother is a dressmaker and since I was a child, without her barely realizing it, she taught me to combine colors, patterns, textures, ... and she started me in love for white, which is also a constant in my work.
Sito WebCiao a tutti!
Sono Maria, su Instagram mi trovate come a_vuelapluma, sono molto contenta di essere ospite qui sul blog di ModaScrap e di potervi presentare il mio mini album creato con le carte della collezione *Save the bees* e le carte bifacciali *Wooden Colors* che si abbinano perfettamente.
All'interno ho creato due strutture piene di aperture e tasche per poter inserire ancora più foto e ricordi. Grazie alle quali posso inserire moltissime foto nonostante la dimensione ridotta.
Per decorare la copertina ho usato la fustella *Big Love* come elemento principale fustellandola diverse volte dal cartoncino spesso in modo da creare un elemento chipboard che spiccasse ancora di più all'occhio nella composizione. L'unica altra decorazione sono i fiori, realizzati con la fustella *Zinnia Flowers* che, a seconda di come vengono lavorati, possono creare effetti diversi ed interessanti. Vi rimando al video sul canale YouTube se volete vedere come li ho realizzati.
Spero che abbiate apprezzato il progetto e vi sia stato di ispirazione a creare anche voi il vostro album con la collezione Save the Bees.

María Ares Espiñeira
My name is María and on Instagram you can find me as @a_vuelapluma.
I am a chemist by career but since I was very young I have always loved crafts. About 5 years ago I discovered scrap, and I fell in love forever. Not only does it allow me to develop all those techniques that I like so much, but it also brings together another of my great passions: photography and the desire to somehow retain the memories of our lives.
As for my style, I think if I had to use a single word, I would borrow it from my mother and say "clean." My mother is a dressmaker and since I was a child, without her barely realizing it, she taught me to combine colors, patterns, textures, ... and she started me in love for white, which is also a constant in my work.
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